International Association of Mathematical Physics

News Bulletin January 2007

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  1. IAMP Early Career Award

  2. A REMINDER: Have You Voted Already on Change of the Statutes and By-Laws?

  3. New members

  4. Conference announcements

  5. Wolf Prizes

  6. New books

  1. IAMP has instituted a prize called The IAMP Early Career Award. The rules are the following:

    1. The prize will be awarded at the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP) in recognition of a single achievement in Mathematical Physics. The total prize value amounts to 3000 Euro and is reserved for scientists whose age in years since birth on July 31 of the year of the Congress is less than 35.
    2. A nomination for the prize should include the name of the candidate accompanied by a brief characterisation of the work singled out for the prize. Members of the IAMP should send their nomination or nominations not earlier than 18 months following the last ICMP and not later than 6 months before the next ICMP, to the President and to the Secretary by e-mail, and a fax or a hard copy should follow the e-mail. The call for nominations will be posted on the IAMP website and the link will be sent by e-mail to the IAMP members.
    3. The recipient of the prize will be selected by a committee of 5 members determined by votes within the EC. There will be two separate ballots. The first ballot shall select the Chairman who will be chosen from among the members of the EC. The second ballot shall select the other four members from a list constructed by the EC with the advice of earlier recipients of the prize. The EC shall decide the membership of the committee within one month of the expiration of the deadline for nominations.
    4. The Committee may consider candidates that have not been nominated by the members. The names of committee members will remain confidential within the EC until the prize ceremony. The IAMP will make every reasonable effort to make attendance at the ceremony possible for the selected candidate.

  2. A Vote on Change of the Statutes and By-Laws. In the previous bulletin issue we have presented the General Assembly and Executive Committee recommendation on the statutes and by-laws update which would make our decision mechanisms appropriate to the electronic age. To make it valid, it must be approved by the old rules, by a postal ballot, in other words, the members have to vote by regular mail.
    By the deadline of December 31 a large number of us did vote, and there are all reasons to believe that a dominant majority wishes the change. However, the number of votes received by the secretariat is not sufficient to make the ballot valid. We extend thus the deadline to March 31 and urge the colleagues who have not yet expressed their opinion to do so. The ballot form can be found here. Please do not miss this opportunity; if we approve the change voting would be a matter of a single click, in a sheer contrast to what we have to do presently!

  3. New members: The following colleagues recently joined the Association

     Giuseppe Benfatto
     Universita' degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
     Guido Gentile
     Universita' di Roma Tre, Italy
     Eugene Kanzieper  Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
     Vieri Mastropietro
     Universita' degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

  4. Conference announcements

  5. Wolf Prizes. The Wolf Foundation announced its 2007 prizes, in particular

  6. New books