Why become an IAMP member?

The main reason is that the Association offers a platform to represent the interests of mathematical physicists worldwide through which they can exchange ideas, discuss concerns and inform the broader scientific community and the general public about their achievements.

The IAMP is as strong as their members make it. We invite you to join because we think that you share our common interests in promoting mathematical physics. Your becoming a member would be beneficial for you and for our community as well.

Looking at the membership from the practical point of view, several things are useful to mention:

  • the membership is inexpensive, it takes a few clicks to pay the member dues, and in the first year we offer a possibility to waive them
  • members in good standing are entitled to reduced registration fees at our triennial congresses
  • members receive useful information, in particular, four times a year a bulletin with news about mathematical physics
  • major publishers offer discounts on books and journals to IAMP members

How to become an IAMP member

To apply for membership of IAMP you must either be recommended by two current members or you must have published two papers in international journals in the general area of mathematical physics.

In order to apply for membership of the association please visit Membership Database , and click on `Register a new account' and fill out the form. You have to either give the names of two members that are willing to endorse your application or the exact references of two of your papers published in mathematical physics. You should immediately receive an acknowledgment from the association and your application will be considered as fast as possible. See also:

Membership lists

© by IAMP, 2010. Site design by David Jörg, 2010.